Me and My Sons: Our Photoshoot

Me and My Sons: Our Photoshoot

For Mother’s Day, yes I said it, MOTHER’S DAY, I asked my husband to arrange a photoshoot for me to take pictures with my sons.  It took him forever to set it up but we finally were able to make it happen.  My wonderful friend and fellow actress Emily Rose came to my house and blessed me with her talent in photography.  Now the photoshoot would have been absolutely perfect but of course one of the twins decided to take a nap in the middle of the session.  Regardless, Emily was able to work her magic and captured some wonderful moments that I want to share with you all.  ENJOY!

Please be sure to subscribe to my blog and my YouTube channel That Chick Angel TV.

Also check out the latest from my sketch comedy group, onewordnocaps.


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photography by Emily Rose The copying and use of these photos without the permission of the owner is strictly prohibited.

photography by Emily Rose The copying and use of these photos without the permission of the owner is strictly prohibited.

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I am one of those corny twin moms that like to dress her twins a like.  I just think it is the cutest thing to see two babies in the same or similar outfits.  So in celebration of my obsession to have Sai and Kai dressed like a R&B boy band, here are some outfits I think are way too adorable.

So much yummy goodness in these pictures!!

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I will more than likely be spending A LOT of money on Etsy so that my babies can be dressed in many more twin outfits 🙂

Make sure you check out my vlog channel That Chick Angel TV and meet the twins in my latest video upload!

My Kentucky Baby Shower Photos

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1s 2s 3s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s 17s 20s 21s 23s



This pregnancy I vowed to myself to take on a different state of mind and attitude.  Not just on how I viewed being pregnant but also in how I took care of body.  Before my husband and I took the natural first steps to conceiving I started working out and running consistently at the very beginning of the year.  Me and my workout partner CJ were getting up at least 5 days a week at 5:15am to run and lift weights at 24 hour fitness.  So when I did find out I was pregnant I was able to continue my journey in trying to remain fit.  Now, I am not the fittest pregnant person, which I am ok with, but I am proud at how I have taken responsibility for how much weight and body fat I have taken on with these two babies.  So with that, I wanted to go all out with my pregnancy/maternity photos.  Mind you, I loved my maternity photos that I did my first pregnancy.  They remind me of how much of a team my husband and I had to become in order to raise our first child in a city that was so far away from any family.  However, these current maternity pictures remind me of how BLESSED I am to 1)Be able to carry life with no complications; 2)Have great health in my mind, body, and spirit; and 3) now be surrounded by a community of talented people who give of themselves in helping me see my dreams become reality.

SPECIAL THANK YOU’S go to a couple of people who made this photo shoot possible.

  • Alana Fickes – The AMAZING photographer who recreated and captured the visions I had in my head
  • Brittany White – The AWESOME make-up artist who used my face as a canvas and turned it into a masterpiece if I do say so myself
  • Angela Kim, Maria Pelletier, & Nina Elcao – The WONDERFUL women of Maker who helped facilitate us being able to use a stage to shoot the photos
  • Maker Studios – The FANTASTIC company that allowed me to shoot and share the joys of my pregnancy with you all.
(All of the photos were shot by Alana Fickes, makeup by Brittany White, and braids by Amber Harris.)
My Themes were Rosie The Riveter, Queen of Hearts, and Goddess

4 Annoying Things People Say When You are Pregnant With Twins

So now that I am 20 weeks pregnant, when people see me they can obviously see that I am with child.  If someone asks if or when I am expecting I proudly say, yes I am expecting twin boys sometime in either February or March.  While I completely understand the excitement behind meeting someone having twins, I don’t understand some of the statements that follow…

  1. Are the twins natural? To me, this is like asking,  “So what position did you and your husband have sex when you conceived?”  How I got these babies in my body is no one’s business but mine, my husband’s, and my OB/GYN.  To ask me if I used some form of help with conceiving is assuming that my body couldn’t do this on its own.  While I cast no judgement on women who do need some assistance with getting pregnant, why can’t people assume I am healthy and have a plethora of eggs.  It just seems like such a private question to ask and if we are really that close of friends that you feel comfortable asking me, then you would already know the answer.  I know people don’t mean any harm by the question but damn.  Even the use of the word “natural” put such a negative spin on woman who have to use the help of doctors to conceive.  Are their twins “artificial”?
  2. You’re are gonna get REALLY BIG.  Well so will your eye and your lip if I punch you in it for being so rude.  I am fully aware that my stomach will probably be larger than it was with my first son, even though I’m in way better shape this pregnancy.  However, I do not need the reminder.  If I blow up like a float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, lets just wait until it happens before making any predictions.  Now don’t get me wrong I am so proud of my bump! But sometimes I just want to put a bump on people’s head when they feel free to comment on my upcoming girth.
  3. So you’re definitely going to have a C-Section.  So should I assume you apparently have a medical degree with an emphasis in multiple births?? LOL.  I have never been pro c-section because I prefer not to have my abdominal muscles cut open.  However, if there was a medical emergency and I had to have c-section, I guess I wouldn’t have a choice.  Twins can be born vaginal and many of them are.  So instead of putting your energy on assuming I will have to undergo major surgery, let just wait and see what will happen.
  4. Twins! That’s gonna be really hard.  Thank you Captain Obvious for that beautiful revelation.  Raising twins will be difficult but not as difficult as it has been for me to hold my tongue and not start cussing people out.

Again, I know people don’t mean to come off nosy, insulting, or all-knowing but they are.  LOL.  I know I’m not the only pregnant woman that has the hear the multiple comments and questions that might make you tear up or strangle people on site.  Hell, I probably have said a few annoying things myself to pregnant friends while not really thinking fully about the potential impact of my words.  However, it seems like with this pregnancy I must have on a shirt that reads, do you have a ridiculous question or comment about being pregnant with twins? ASK THIS LADY.  But even with all the not so good comments, I am so appreciative of this one word that I get more often than not and that’s “CONGRATULATIONS!”  It is like music to this big pregnant lady’s ears.

My Favorite Pregnancy Foods

My Favorite Pregnancy Foods

It seems like an overwhelming amount of people ask me if I have any pregnancy cravings.  To be honest, I didn’t have food cravings with my first pregnancy or this one either.  Now granted I LOVE a big juicy pickle every now and again but I’m not taunted by the taste in the middle of the night.  More times than not, I have food aversions.   It was way worse when I was pregnant with Lil’ Marcus.  I avoided the taste of fish or bake chicken like the plague.  Bake chicken for some reason tasted like aluminum foil.  So that meant if I was eating chicken it had to be either fried (YUMMMM!) or grilled.  With this pregnancy, in my first trimester I could not stand sweet foods.  As hot as it was in California ice cream always seemed like a good idea at first, but as soon as it would hit my stomach, nausea would set in IMMEDIATELY.  Well, now that I am in my 2nd trimester, there are some foods that will make me travel a long distance just because my twins and I want it.  Here is my list of Pregnancy Food Favorites.

  1. Spicy Sashimi Salad – This salad is made of raw ahi tuna and raw salmon coated in a spicy marinate on top of a bed of mix green vegetables with an Asian Salad dressing.  Yes I know pregnant women are advised not to eat raw fish because of certain bacteria and mercury levels.  But I am very careful to make sure the fish is of good quality and I only eat it at most 2x a month.  My favorite place to buy it is San Sai Japanese Grill.
  2. Broth based soups – Whether it is Chicken Noodle Soup or Chicken Tortilla Soup or some other chicken soup. I love chicken broth based soups.  I think its all the salt and sodium that my mouth craves but typically one bowl of soup fills me up without making me too bloated.  Sometimes that is half the battle when I eat these days.  My favorite chicken tortilla soup is at El Pollo Loco.
  3. Fried Potatoes and Onions – First of all the smell is intoxicating all by itself.  I love when the aroma from the cooked onions starts to leave the pan and fill the room.  And if the potatoes are really fancy then there is the smell of garlic in the air as well.  The only thing about this dish is that it is easy for me to overeat and then feel stuff and uncomfortable for hours later.  But sometimes…its worth it.  My favorite place for fried potatoes is in my own kitchen, cooked by me.
  4. MILK – This item really shouldn’t be on this list because it has been my favorite beverage all of my life.  Thank the Lord, my stomach still loves even when I am pregnant.  It doesn’t matter how bloated I get, there is always room for a large cold glass of milk.  And not the imitation almond-soy-it should even be called milk-crap.  I like that good old fashion, out of the teet of cow white stuff.  And yes, I know that milk is comprised of mucus, blood, and some other stuff that sounds nasty but who knew that it taste so good when its mixed together.  LOL. My favorite is 2% milk but I do drink whole milk as a second option.

Well I think that’s it for now.  Thanks for checking out my blog!  Make sure you check out my YouTube channel, That Chick Angel TV for more pregnancy updates and fun content.  Talk to you guys next week!

In the gym straight BEAST MODE

In the gym straight BEAST MODE

I love going to the gym now that my baby bump is more visible.  You know why?  Because no matter how lame my workouts are now that I am pregnant, I still make the most muscular men look like a bunch of weak b*tches.  I can look over at the guy who wishes he was Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, that is clearly squatting over 400lbs and know without a doubt my workout is intimidating him.  Yeah, I might only be doing squats with two 12lbs weights but I’m also helping turn squishy cartilage into strong bones for my babies.  So you LOSE sir and I WIN!  And yes, I see you too, Ms. Malibu Barbie with the high fake boobs and the tan 8-pack abs.  Well guess what, I have a 14-pack.  I still have two abs that are visible in the right light plus my two sons growing in my stomach are ripped with their own 6-packs.  So ma’am you can have several seats because again, you LOSE and I WIN!!!  The fact that I can run 2 miles on a treadmill at a 6.5 speed without peeing on myself makes me a freakin’ AMERICAN GLADIATOR!   So old lady who has been sprinting for the past hour on a 5% incline with a fanny pack on, go somewhere and eat an Activia!  Because, you guessed it, you LOSE and I WIN!  But hey, people at gym, please don’t get too bad of a self-esteem when you see my jiggling belly walk past you to go get 10 lbs weights to do some bicep curls, while also developing the lunges of two fetuses.  We can’t all win at life or working out.  One day you too can have 20% body fat and still be the strongest person in the weight room.

Now would one of you lovely muscular people like to help me to my car because I can not feel my legs…


HELP!!! I think I need Potty Training!

HELP!!! I think I need Potty Training!

So I am officially 15 weeks and 1 day pregnant and I have to say, even though my 1st trimester was difficult as hell, the 2nd trimester has come with its own trials and tribulations.  Well, in general being pregnant can make things just a tad more complicated than usual.  For instance, I have a very strong immune system.  However when I am pregnant it is a lot easier for me to catch sicknesses from other people.  In this most recent case, I caught a cold from someone who will remain nameless (because I am not sure who it was).  This cold gave me a sore throat but even worse, it has made me sneeze…A LOT.  Now the sneezing wouldn’t bother me so much if my already fickle bladder wasn’t under a lot of pressure from two babies cramping its space.  So now, I’m not only quickly reaching for tissue to keep mucous from flying all across me and others, I am using every leg and abdominal muscle to try and keep urine from flying out too.  Well apparently I did not do enough reps on my Thigh Master Machine growing up but no amount of squeezing is keeping me from peeing on myself like a toddler.  And its not like a little tickle that could possibly be ignored, NO!  It is a full blown “Let’s empty a 1/4 of your bladder out into your clothes and your pretty panties” type of situation.

You would think I would have learned my lesson by now and just wear a pad or adult diaper during the day but I am way too hard headed.  Plus, I like to wear leggings and Depends diapers give the worst panty line.  So for now, I have resigned from wearing white pants and try to keep an extra change of clothes in my adult diaper bag.  🙂

Make sure you check out my latest vlog upload on my channel and follow this blog!

Here's what I looked like at 8 weeks pregnant.  I wasn't really showing but I knew the twins were there.

Here’s what I looked like at 8 weeks pregnant. I wasn’t really showing but I knew the twins were there.

Puke, Vomit, and Throw Up…YUCK

So with my first son Marcus, I had morning sickness my entire first trimester but I never threw up.  I was so grateful once I figured out how to keep my morning sickness under control that it wasn’t a big problem at all.  Well, these twins decided to do things a little differently.  My first trimester this pregnancy, I had morning sickness through out the day, all day long.  There was never a remedy to keep it from happening.  The only relief I did find was that if I woke up in the middle of the night, like around 1am, and ate something greasy, I would be fine in the morning.  Well, I did make it through my entire 1st trimester of this pregnancy without vomiting!  YAY!! But then came the 2nd trimester.  While I don’t get morning sickness anymore, I have thrown up on three separate occasions.  The first two times were in the same day and each of those times had me so very worried.  The occurrences seemed to be so violent and aggressive that it made my abdominal muscles sore for the rest of the day.  I keep getting nervous that I had dislodged a baby or I was going to lose of them.  Every time I went to the restroom that day I was making sure that there was no spotting.  Thank God there wasn’t.

Well the third time I puked wasn’t as scary, actually it was quite comical.  This happened earlier today before I got home to write this blog.  I had just finished a really great workout at the gym.  I jogged two miles and then did squats, lunges, and leg lifts, all while laughing loudly at reruns of Arrested Development.   When I left the gym, I finished my container of water and ate the banana I had in my car.  I then drove to the grocery store because I have to get all of my errands done early in the day because it is hot as BALLS in California.  While sitting in the parking lot, I noticed that my body temperature was rising very fast.  So I opened the door of my car and puked up every bit of banana and water that was in my system.  The pregnant woman in the car beside me just shook her head in disgust at me.  LOL.  I guess she thought I was hung over.   Well once I finished decorating the parking lot with my snack, I ate the rest of my banana and went inside to grocery shop.   I am hoping that is the last time my food will try to make an exit from the “entrance only” door but with these twins, I doubt it.  SMH.

Make sure you check out my latest vlog explaining why my husband and I decided to have another baby.  Click here to view!  As always, please follow my blog and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Peace and Blessings!

That Chick Angel

Its Official…WE’RE PREGNANT!

We are expecting TWINS next year!! OMG I can not believe this at all.  There is so much to tell you but I am not going to try and do that in all one post on this blog.  Yes, my husband and I changed our minds and decided to add one more child to our family. And no, we weren’t planning or trying to get pregnant with twins.  This is just God’s little way of showing me that no matter how many “To Do Lists” I create, He is “To Do List” is the only one that matters.  I am currently 13 weeks pregnant but I have been recording pregnancy vlogs almost the entire time I have been pregnant.  So even though you might be joining me 1/3 of the way through this journey, I will posting all the videos I have recorded during my pregnancy in the weeks coming.  You will get to see my friends and family’s reaction to finding out that I am pregnant with twins, including my husband and my son.  These reactions are HILARIOUS.  You will even get to see the ultrasound and hear MY REACTION to finding out instead of one baby I am having TWO!  So sit back and watch this crazy UNEXPECTED story unfold.  But make sure you follow this blog so that you can get update on the things I don’t have time to put up on my YouTube Channel, That Chick Angel TV.   Also make sure you check out how I announced it to the ladies at The Mom’s View and how I announced it on my channel!

This is my two babies at 8 weeks.  Yep they are fraternal twins.

This is my two babies at 8 weeks. Yep they are fraternal twins.

7 weeks Prego