Puke, Vomit, and Throw Up…YUCK

So with my first son Marcus, I had morning sickness my entire first trimester but I never threw up.  I was so grateful once I figured out how to keep my morning sickness under control that it wasn’t a big problem at all.  Well, these twins decided to do things a little differently.  My first trimester this pregnancy, I had morning sickness through out the day, all day long.  There was never a remedy to keep it from happening.  The only relief I did find was that if I woke up in the middle of the night, like around 1am, and ate something greasy, I would be fine in the morning.  Well, I did make it through my entire 1st trimester of this pregnancy without vomiting!  YAY!! But then came the 2nd trimester.  While I don’t get morning sickness anymore, I have thrown up on three separate occasions.  The first two times were in the same day and each of those times had me so very worried.  The occurrences seemed to be so violent and aggressive that it made my abdominal muscles sore for the rest of the day.  I keep getting nervous that I had dislodged a baby or I was going to lose of them.  Every time I went to the restroom that day I was making sure that there was no spotting.  Thank God there wasn’t.

Well the third time I puked wasn’t as scary, actually it was quite comical.  This happened earlier today before I got home to write this blog.  I had just finished a really great workout at the gym.  I jogged two miles and then did squats, lunges, and leg lifts, all while laughing loudly at reruns of Arrested Development.   When I left the gym, I finished my container of water and ate the banana I had in my car.  I then drove to the grocery store because I have to get all of my errands done early in the day because it is hot as BALLS in California.  While sitting in the parking lot, I noticed that my body temperature was rising very fast.  So I opened the door of my car and puked up every bit of banana and water that was in my system.  The pregnant woman in the car beside me just shook her head in disgust at me.  LOL.  I guess she thought I was hung over.   Well once I finished decorating the parking lot with my snack, I ate the rest of my banana and went inside to grocery shop.   I am hoping that is the last time my food will try to make an exit from the “entrance only” door but with these twins, I doubt it.  SMH.

Make sure you check out my latest vlog explaining why my husband and I decided to have another baby.  Click here to view!  As always, please follow my blog and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Peace and Blessings!

That Chick Angel

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